I was never good with analogies. In 3rd grade my teacher phrased this question to me in front of the whole class, "Gabe, a bark is to a tree as skin is to a ..." I said, "Cedar Rapids, Iowa?"
So I'm still no good at analogies. I try really hard, though. I try to practice every chance I get. When someone at work asks me to do something, I respond with an analogy. For example, "Gabe, will you send this package as a FedEx Priority Overnight?" My response - "Yeah, no problem. Does a banana taste like jumping jacks?" I know that doesn't make sense. When my mom told me she was going to take me out to dinner, I said, "That's cool, it'll be like when Franklin Roosevelt stepped in mashed potatoes in the Oval Office." That one was better. See? I told you I was practicing.
As I get older, I know I'll improve. It's like when you buy a bottle of wine - you know it'll be better in a few years. YES! I DID IT!
I'm just kidding, I'm actually really good at analogies.

You are the Michael Jordan of analogies.