Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sam the Brit

My new friend Sam is British. He makes me feel uncomfortable because of the way he talks. He uses words like "aubergine" and "jolly" and "cheeri-o." I hate that. Why can't he use words like "ubiquitous" or "sentimental" or "hella-good?" Like a real human being aka an American.

Sam came over the other day and said "jolly good day, would you like a swim?" I had no idea what that meant. I stared at him for a while and finally said, "Sam, look, I hate to be the guy who tells you this, but NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND YOU!"

Sam and I are no longer friends.

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  1. I think about Australians a lot-how they made up an entire language that reminds me of pig latin, but very cool. I wish I were one of those people who could just 'pick up' other cultures idioms and not feel stupid about it-ya know? Like I wish I could say "Gabe, why don't you come over to my barbie?" Get it? BBQ? See? It wouldn't work

  2. Gabe. I had to be anonymous cause I couldn't work this thing
