It's 9 o'clock in the A-M. You know what that means. What? You don't? Well I've only got one more hour until my job interview. I haven't had an interview in years. The last time I had an interview it was at Lou's Rise and Shine Family Restaurant. Lou is my uncle. The interview consisted of Uncle Lou saying "Don't f**k this up."
My interview today is at Gargantuan and Flabbergast. They do animal adoption and family law here locally in Terre Haute. I just went out and bought a dress shirt and a silk tie with a picture of the Supreme Court on it. Gotta dress to impress, right homes?
I'm starting to get nervous. It's now 9:18. I hope I'm not late. Slappy's handicapped and I told him if he doesn't get me there on time, we are going to have some serious talking to do. Slappy's my car.
I'm going to leave soon. I have to get my CD collection ready - a good boss always likes a good CD collection. I'm going to bust out moves like they've never seen. This is good, I'm getting more confident. Maybe I'll show them my Beanie Babies, too.
Wish me luck. I have sweat stains on my shirt.

Did this one actually happen?