Thursday, February 5, 2009

Duck Hunt

This morning before work I went on a duck hunt.  It was my first time hunting and let me tell you, it was a quack.  My only experience with hunting was when I was a little kid playing Duck Hunt on Nintendo.  I sucked at that game, therefore I thought I would suck at the real life duck hunt.  I was dead on.

I was a terrible shot.  I couldn't shoot anything. Every time I took a shot I said "bam!" very loudly, hoping that maybe I'd scare a duck to death.  Didn't happen.  Now keep in mind that I'm a lover, not a fighter, so accompaning each "bam!" was a "oh man, I'm so sorry."  So it went a little something like this.  (Gabe raises the gun, takes aim, shoots and says, "Bam! Oh man, I'm sorry.") What was I sorry for? I'm not so sure, maybe the fact that I was out in the freezing cold shooting at ducks and god would look down on that.  Who knows, maybe god was a duck hunter himself.  I'm pretty sure Abraham was, I think I learned that at hebrew school (Thanks Mrs. Silversteinberg!) (sigh... I digress.)

Anyway, when I got to work I found out that my company was buying lunch for everyone.  They were ordering Chinese food and we all had to pick something from the menu.  I looked over the menu and came across "Peking Duck." Ironic, no?  Don't you think? I had to get that.  I had to win the battle with the ducks.  If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em.  That's what I say.  

I'm only kidding.  That never happened.

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  1. I laughed out loud exactly three times while reading this. By the way I'm the secret elf poster in #3.

  2. So, if I'm in a fight with someone, like my boss, or my mom, or my land lady I should just eat them to end the dispute?

    thanks for the advice!
