Thursday, June 11, 2009

Improbable Conversations #2

Mickey Mouse: Hiya!
Eminem: Oh shit, is this for real?
Mickey: Yeppie! This is oh so exciting! Hee Hee!
Eminem: I ain't got time for this.
Mickey: My favorite candy is M&Ms! That's like you! Are you super sweet too?
Eminem: Yo this is whack, I'm gonna murder my agent for setting this up.
Mickey: I like teddy bears! and Minnie Mouse!
Eminem: Peace.
Mickey: It was nice talking to you!

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  1. I wonder if the reason why M&Ms are Mickey Mouse's favorite candy is not because of the taste but because it's also his initials?

  2. It's purely a coincidence...I'm sure of it.
