Bustin' Chops - an American pastime since 15 BC. I was in the library reading up on American history and on page 14 of the American History Journal of the World, just before the John Quincy Adams story and just after Nick Bollettieri tennis camps, was a section on Bustin' Chops. I read that one time during the American Revolution, George Washington would go up to his soldiers and bust chops like he invented it. He would say, "Hey Johnny Boy, your sister is looking hot today. Did she just come back from the sauna? Oh come on, Johnny, I'm just bustin' your chops." He was a genius.
So I thought if GW could bust chops, why can't I? So I've been on a bustin' chops binge. Everything that comes out of my mouth is bust choppin'. I can bust chops with the best chop busters in the world. Allow me to tell you some of the best phrases I've come up with during my chop bustin' journey:
Hey man, I think there's something wrong with your hat, it's on backwards.
What up chick? Did a tornado attack your hair?
Hey Big Bird, why are you so tall? Are you hiding a ladder under your overalls?
Hi guy at restaurant, why did you order the turkey club sandwich? Are you in some sort of club?
...and other awesome, hilarious phrases like that.
After each response by the person, I say, "Oh COME ON! I'm just bustin' your chops."
It's really fun. I suggest you try it some time. It also helps during a job interview. Keep that in mind.

where does the phrase bustin chops come from?