Sunday, March 31, 2013

Etiquette in 7 Easy Steps

 How to properly behave in an Ivy League university library in New York City:

1. Wear something that screams, "I don't go to school here." Avoid wearing dark-rimmed glasses, makeup, scarves, deodorant, cardigans, and/or sweatpants. Do not carry a messenger bag or a metal water bottle. Once you enter the building, ask the old, sad man at the desk where the quietest spot in the building is. Tell him you're working on something "that I could tell you about, but it'd just be over your head."

2. Get lost. Go down a few flights of stairs/stares. Turn right, left, and then whatever direction you choose. If you find yourself amongst books, smusty mells, and sweaty college students - you're on your way.

3. Sit down. Do whatever you were going to do at said library. Open a book, go on Facebook, watch When Harry Met Sally, whatever. Stay for at least 30 minutes.

4. Get up to use the bathroom and ask some dumb looking kid with a Nike running t-shirt to watch your stuff. Ask him if he's a runner. Then say, "Yeah right" in response to his answer.

5. Oppa bathroom time.

6. Return to your stuff. Thank Mr. Marathon for his generosity of time and spirit and carry on with your activity.

7. Notice the gargoyle staring at you from above, mocking you.

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  1. I think I need to make a trip to the big apple so I can test out this advice! It seems well-researched.

  2. I think so too. Anytime. There's so much you have to learn.

  3. Hi, I didn't vote for Obama.

    Did you?

    IRS goes after Jewish groups.
    Bother you?
